Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Techniques For Smart Ultrafast Laser Processing of Optical Glasses

By: Razvan Stoian

Among different laser processing techniques, photoinscription employing ultrashort laser pulses has
demonstrated increased potential for three-dimensional optical functionalization of bulk transparent materials.
The resulting refractive index changes can be viewed as building blocks for embedded optical functions, used for
example in waveguiding applications. The requirements of a desired photonic response involve precise adjustments of the refractive index which usually depend on the material relaxation paths. As mechanisms withdistinct characteristic timescales are involved, such as defect creation or thermo-mechanical compaction, byadjusting irradiation conditions a certain control of their competition may be established, resulting in a betterdesign of the material transformation. Advanced strategies are then necessary to improve the irradiation results.
Recently, beam manipulation concepts were developed which allow a modulation of the energy feedthrough
according to the material transient reactions, enabling thus a synergetic interaction between light and matter and, therefore, optimal results. The emerging idea is that suitable light time delivery can enable the control of the excitation and relaxation processes with consequences for the final modification. The photowriting technique
may therefore be conveniently tuned to determine suitable material behaviors, i.e. positive refractive index
changes in materials of optical interest, with both fundamental and technological consequences.

Stoian-Image-ADAPTIVE SPATIO-TEMPORAL TECHNIQUES FOR SMART ULTRAFAST LASERFigure 1 (a) Concept for spatial and temporal femtosecond pulse shaping assisted by a feedback loops. (b,c)
Phase-contrast microscopy refractive index flip in BK7 borosilicate under the action of temporally optimized
pulses as compared to standard short pulse illumination and (d,e) corresponding transverse traces. Black
color denotes a positive index change, required for guiding applications. (f-h) 2D bulk dividers based on
evanescent wave coupling in partial arrays and (i) 3D divider achieved using parallel processing.

This emphasis a fundamental question; how irradiation results can be improved taking into account various criteria for quality processing. Considering the complexity of processes occurring between the initial excitation and the final structural transformation, the task of defining the possible improvement factors is rather difficult, requesting more efficient optimization procedures. We consequently discuss structuring approaches based on adaptive spatio-temporal pulse manipulation using automated light modulators capable of influencing ultrafast laser-induced processes inside transparent materials towards better processing results. Two strategies for gaining
impact on material transformations under light exposure will be presented, adaptive temporal tailoring techniques and spatial beam forming, together with their integration in feedback-driven approaches. These strategies are discussed in the context of optical functionalization for delivering specific designs of the refractive
index, accompanied by concepts of efficient processing approaches. This also involves an engineering aspect related to simultaneous processing of structural modifications in 3D arrangements where a feasible solution is represented by dynamic spatial beam shaping techniques. The approach has a dual aspect and includes corrections for beam propagation errors and spatial intensity distributions in desired forms for parallel processing, mastering both the nonlinearity and the geometry of interaction. Photowritten structures can be arranged in patterns generating complex propagation effects. Offering then multiple opportunities for upgrading laser interactions and responding “intelligently” to material reactions, adaptive schemes in spatio-temporal domains can have an extended range of action, enabling applications that can largely benefit from light-matter synergies.

The above brief overview was extracted from its original abstract and paper presented at The International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) in Orlando, FL. To order a copy of the complete proceedings from this conference click here