Communications and the Future of Laser Technology

With modern technology advancing at such rapid speeds it’s no surprise that one may often wonder where it will all lead us ten or twenty years from now. Some may even find themselves asking what will be the hottest technology within the next century. Laser technology has since undergone a type of explosion that can be experienced through the latest communication devices or any machine service offering immediate convenience. As many skeptics as there are when it comes to this budding of new technology and craze for the unknown, there are still those who thoroughly believe that these new advances will help in the discovery and unveiling of new knowledge. Laser utilization promises to raise human civilization to new heights.

In general, it is understood that technology allows people to live increasingly comfortable and happy lives while testing the boundaries and constantly defying previous scientific and philosophic beliefs that are constantly being formed in order to better define the human experience. It was in the early 1900’s when Dr. Albert Einstein first described the process of “stimulated photon emission”. One may even wonder if he foresaw the invention of the laser and its related applications.

One of the major contributions we’ve seen was first introduced in the 1970’s when lasers joined forces with computing systems. Within these systems, the role of a laser is of great importance. Lasers read, write, and memorize data for the computer. These ever-changing desk and lap machines consist of chips, wires, and connections. Historically, these components have been vital and are needed in order to allow electrical signals to flow. However, due to the limitations of these parts, bits and pieces of information can only travel so fast. This leads to what is often referred to as ‘traffic jams’ which are caused through the slow-processing of bits of information rather than barely mobile cars.

Instead of using electricity within computer systems to process information, lasers use light. Thus allowing systems to carry millions of signals rather than the lesser amount through electrical signals. A result of this could lead to more information being “pumped” or sent into a person’s private household or company location. Future business meetings could then be upgraded by allowing the projected images of phone callers to display on nearby walls or projector screens.

When it comes to guessing how far this rapid technology growth will take us, the only thing that seems to remain true is the fact that it all began with a brilliant idea from one dedicated individual. Technology is constantly transforming the modern world and is a transformation cycle that is guaranteed to continue for as long as time will allow.