Have lasers made tangled Christmas lights a thing of the past?

tangledlightsThis is a long weekend for our staff as we are off on Thursday for Thanksgiving  and do not have to come back to work until Monday. One of the things my family has traditionally done during this long weekend is to bring out our Christmas decorations. This has always been a fun family activity for us with the exception of Christmas lights. It doesn’t seem to matter how careful we were when packing the lights up the previous year, we always end up with string upon string of tangled joy that is anything but!  This year however will be a much different story, because this year I will be using lasers to decorate the outside of my house.

While I was online shopping I came across  these laser light kits intended just for Christmas. Most of the kits included at least two traditional Christmas colors, some had even more than that, and some even had audio that went along with moving light patterns.  Installing these lights is going to be much easier than untangling my old lights. Plus I am looking forward to not having to drag out my old wobbly ladder.

As far as cost is concerned these seem to be relatively new to the consumer market and might be a little pricier than what some people would like to pay. However the lasers give you significantly more coverage per dollar than traditional strands, and in the long run seem to be the better value.  The outdoor kits start around $120.00 and go up from there depending on number of colors, audio, etc.

Once you take into consideration the time saved, the ease of installation, along with the added safety benefits;  I believe It will be just a matter of time before laser lights completely replace those old tangled up strings.

Will you be ditching your stringed lights this year for laser lights? Let us know in the comments…