Picosecond Laser 4-Beam Interference Ablation of Metal Films for Microstructuring

By: B. Voisiat, M. Gedvilas, G. Raciukaitis

Laboratory for Applied Research, Center for Physical Science and Technology, Lithuania

Properties of the surface highly depend on its relief. The best example is a lotus leaf with the “self-cleaning”, hydrofobic feature. Micro- and nano-structuring with specific patterns and at localized places is useful to control wettability, lubrication and other properties of the surface. Artificial structures borrowed from the nature are applied in automotive industry as well as in photonics and bio-medical research. A new growing application area is frequency-selective surfaces which are working as a filter for electro-magnetic waves in THz, infrared or visible range depending on the period and the feature size of the fabricated surface. They can be produced by laser- structuring of metal films.

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