ICALEO 2013 Offers Achievable New Horizons for Laser Industry

By Geoff Giordano

Much like the laser-assisted femto photography that has allowed MIT researchers to see around corners, the 32nd International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO®) illuminated photonic research in everything from routine processing to more arcane applications like laser-assisted generation of human cells.

And, as did plenary speaker Boris Chichkov with his estimation that you could “print” a man’s cells — bone, fat, cartilage and skin — in two hours and 47 minutes, ICALEO 2013 offered extraordinary visions of new horizons being made achievable by the laser industry’s latest studies.

The finely regimented parade of cutting-edge research that is ICALEO never fails to produce memorable moments for its hundreds of attendees. Those who experienced this year’s conference on Oct. 6-10 — including a significant number of first-time attendees and presenters — were treated to another incomparable array of vital knowledge. Continue reading