A Review of the ANSI Z136.8 and Why You Should Be Using It

By Ken Barat

The researcher and Laser Safety Officer (LSO) in a research, commercial or academic setting, face many challenges and frustrations. One that they should not have to deal with is laser safety guidance that does not represent their work environment. To this end, a new ANSI standard has joined the Z136 laser safety series. It is the Z136.8 Safe Use of Lasers in Research, Development, or Testing standard. ANSI Z136.8 works in conjunction with the ANSI Z136.1 Safe Use of Lasers standard to provide improved guidance to users and LSOs at facilities where research, development and testing of lasers and laser systems are actively performed. This type of laser usage can present many challenges to an LSO due to the large variations in use by the facility’s personnel and their routine need to manipulate the optical set up. Continue reading