Milan Brandt Reflects on 2018 and the Future of LIA and Laser Materials Processing

ORLANDO, Fla. (PRWEB) December 28, 2018

The Laser Institute of America’s (LIA) latest edition of the LIA Today, a bi-monthly newsletter discussing latest laser industry news, featured a farewell message from Milan Brandt discussing his presidency and the milestones the professional society have achieved over the last year.

“As I come to the end of my Presidency, I would like to reflect on what 2018 has been for the Association and for me personally. 2018 has been a very special year for LIA,” said Milan, who also spoke of new areas of focus for LIA: “We have developed a new marketing plan. This will rebuild our digital footprint and increase our social media critical to promotion of the Association’s activities in the future.”

2018 has been a year of change and notable success for LIA, in particular, the achievement of its 50th Anniversary – celebrating its continued efforts to support and promote lasers and its applications globally.

These efforts have resulted in measurable growth for LIA, with noteworthy attendance at their flagship International Congress on Applications of Lasers & Electro-Optics (ICALEO) earlier this year, ahead of the International Laser Safety Conference(ILSC) held in March 2019.

“ICALEO ‘18 was one of our best conferences in terms of attendance and ‘bottom line’ for the last four years,” quoted Milan.

Also featured in the LIA Today November/December 2018 issue was an interview with Milan Brandt, entitled, “A Cuppa With Milan Brandt”. LIA Today seized the opportunity to discuss Laser Materials Processing, industry global trends, and Milan’s time at LIA as a member. Milan had this to say about being a member of LIA:

“LIA, in my view, has played a central role in the promotion, education, and growth of laser technology and applications globally. It has been the focus for this since its inception. I have been a member of LIA for some 32 years and this has enabled me to not only stay abreast of the latest developments in technology and applications but also develop global connections and networks in the area.”

This article was released to Laser’s Today for immediate publication and can be read at Laser’s Today.

Visit LIA Today to read the full interview, and to explore past issues.

Original Content:

LIA Today Exclusive: A Cuppa With Milan Brandt

Provided by the November/December 2018 issue of LIA Today

In celebration of LIA’s 50th Anniversary, we took our tea and questions to ask our President, Milan Brandt, on his thoughts on laser materials processing – the global trends, research, developments and unique advantages over other technologies.

Welcome Milan and thank you for joining us today. There have been strong projections made for the global laser materials processing market; can you tell us about some of the unique global trends that you see in laser materials processing applications?

Milan: Laser materials processing globally is focused on and driven by additive manufacturing. In the “powder fed” or laser metal deposition area the trend is more industrial applications, such as repair and refurbishment of high value components in the aerospace, defense, and mining sectors. The research in this area is focused on the printing of large structures and hybrid manufacturing involving both subtractive and additive processes in one machine. In the “powder bed” area, the focus from industrial perspective is on standards, process reliability, process qualification while from the research perspective the focus is on new materials for printing, process monitoring, software tools for design for manufacture and new cheaper and faster printing systems.

As a professor at RMIT, can you tell us about some of the significant laser technology developments that were fostered at RMIT under your leadership?

Milan: The RMIT Centre for Additive Manufacturing researches and develops additive manufacturing technology for design of parts, materials, and processing to improve the mechanical properties of aircraft structures under fatigue loading conditions, in particular for repair of those aircraft structures. Some of this research has now been transferred to local industry.

Do you have any laser design concepts that you would like researchers to pursue in the future? 

Milan: A limitation of current “powder-bed” systems is the use of multi-materials in a build. Development of such systems would allow new structures to be designed and manufactured with properties not possible with current technologies. In the “powder-bed” systems, the ability to manipulate and control the microstructure as the part is being manufactured would open up a range of new applications.

Laser processing market is expected to reach $23 billion by 2025, tell us about some areas where laser materials processing has a unique advantage over other technologies?

Milan: The main benefits lasers offer to manufacturers compared to other technologies include:

  • The ability to produce a wide range of wavelengths
  • The ability to produce a wide range of irradiance (power per unit area) levels at the surface of a workpiece, thereby changing the physical state of that surface from solid to melting through a non-contact interaction;
  • The ability to easily manipulate the beam through computer numerical control techniques because it has no weight or mechanical contact with the workpiece; and,
  • The ability to shape the laser beam on the workpiece both spatially and temporally, thus enabling processing of a wide range of materials and component shapes

These translate into, for example, relatively rapid and low heat input process compared to other metal melting technologies, resulting in microstructures with superior mechanical properties and parts with low residual stresses and distortion. Also, the small laser focus allows for finer structures and features to be manufactured in the “powder bed” systems compared to e-beam technology.

Do you think the existing laser/photonics research through commercialization infrastructure is adequate?

Milan: Different countries and regions have different approaches and support for technology commercialization so the question is somewhat broad, but in general, I believe that more encouragement, focus, and support should be given to new ideas and start-ups in the area.

How would you describe LIA’s role in laser/photonics technology acceptance and growth?

Milan: LIA, in my view, has played a central role in the promotion, education, and growth of laser technology and applications globally. It has been the focus for this since its inception. I have been a member of LIA for some 32 years and this has enabled me to not only stay abreast of the latest developments in technology and applications but also develop global connections and networks in the area.

Thank you Milan, it has been our pleasure to have a cuppa with you!

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