Laser Micro Welding of Aluminum with the Superposition of a Pulsed Diode Laser and a Pulsed Nd:Yag Laser

By Philipp von Witzendorff, Lorenz Gehrmann, Martin Bielenin, Jean-Pierre Bergmann, Stefan Kaierle and Ludger Overmeyer

Pulsed laser welding is applied for welding of thin aluminum sheets when the heat affected zone has to be minimized. The pulsed laser process enables a low and precise heat input because the heat dissipates away in between the laser pulses. Applications are hermetic sealing of electronics or opto-electronics which are not persistent enough to resist high temperatures. Aluminum has a low absorptivity (~ 5 %) for the laser radiation of industrial established YAG laser sources which restricts the process efficiency. In addition, several aluminum alloys have a high tendency to generate hot cracks during welding which is even more severe in pulsed laser welding because the pulsed mode leads to rapid cooling. Continue reading

Use of Lasers in Veterinary Medicine

By Kenneth E. Bartels

With the increased use of lasers in veterinary medicine during the past 20 years, the perception that the medical laser is a “tool in search of an application” is out of date.  Initially, the cost of laser technology for veterinary medicine was a limitation, but this impediment did not prevent wide spread use in general veterinary practice, especially when the advantages overshadowed the disadvantages.  Even considering the required learning curve for efficacious use of a new technology, as well as the attendant safety concerns, the use of surgical lasers in both large and small animal veterinary practice increased based, for the most part, on practitioner implementation rather than from objective peer-reviewed research studies originating at academic institutions. That does not mean results of objective controlled and retrospective studies did not appear in veterinary journals, but much of the enthusiasm was promoted through veterinary magazine-type articles often written by veterinarians supported by specific laser companies marketing to the veterinary profession. In addition, many of the laser medicine continuing education venues at international, national, regional and local professional meetings were, and still are, sponsored by respective laser manufacturers.  Without that positive commercial impact, albeit somewhat subjective at times, use of lasers in veterinary medicine would have most likely been limited to veterinary schools and larger general practices. High power (Class 4) lasers have been the devices that opened the door to more extensive use of the technology in veterinary medicine. Continue reading