How Lasers May Help Prevent Food Poisoning


Affecting millions of people annually, food poisoning by consumption of contaminated products is a significant health issue. Typically, retailers and manufacturers rely on “sell by” and “good until” dates, as a way to measure the safe shelf life of the things we eat. This is mostly due to the fact that monitoring the bacteria and microorganisms that cause illness are a challenge to detect. While a number of bacteria detection methods do exist, such as gas composition analysis or culturing, they are too cost and time consuming to be used on a practical level.

Researchers at the Institute of Information Optics, Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, China are putting their efforts into changing that. Using a method called tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy, or TDLAS for short, the researchers are using lasers to detect and monitor microorganisms in food.

When bacteria moves across a surface, it leaves behind a slew of microorganisms. Identifying this movement is key to the detection of contamination. “Microorganism growth is almost always associated with the production of carbon dioxide,” researcher Jie Shao said, in a news release. “By assessing the level of CO2 within a closed compartment [..] it is possible to assess the microbial growth.”

The process is performed by using a red, cohesive laser on a biological material,  such as a piece of steak. The light disperses through the material. In places where the light is interfered with, the light “speckles”. The speckling of the light is affected by the existence of bacteria on the material. By monitoring the concentration of changes in the laser speckling, the presence of microorganisms can be detected.

TDLAS is used commonly to assess materials that enter a gas phase, since it can be used to measure the concentration of certain gases. In the case of food contamination, monitoring the levels of C02 helps to indicate the level of dangerous bacteria present. Using E. Coli on chicken breast, the researchers were able to find that uncontaminated substances have little to no change in laser speckle, where contaminated surfaces yield differing results.

Using TDLAS to determine the contamination levels of food might not be reserved to just lab testing, either. The lasers needed to perform the process are neither large nor extremely powerful. They are also able to detect bacteria through clear, plastic packaging, like the ones meat products are typically sold in. There’s a significant chance that this technology could find its way into home refrigerators and grocers sooner, rather than later.

That’s not to say that the development will solve all potential food poisoning cases. TDLAS does not distinguish between the types of bacteria, like Salmonella or E. coli, that might be present in food. Identifying viruses or other contaminates would require additional levels of testing. The researchers plan to expand the use of TDLAS beyond food and medical uses, in their experiments. For now, the idea of greatly reducing our chances of contracting food poisoning, through the use of lasers in refrigerators is worth paying attention to.

What are some other ways lasers are used to keep us healthy and safe? We look forward to your responses in the comments!

Patricia Bath and the Laserphaco Probe

Patricia Bath – Inventor of Laserphaco Probe

Since the first humans walked the earth, inventors have been transforming the way the average consumer lives and functions. For example, we can thank Willis Carrier for his invention of the air conditioner in 1902 and Charles Strite for his invention of the pop­up toaster in 1919. Since their initial creation, both inventions have become widely used as well as greatly improved. Apart from those inventions, which have created unlimited amounts of convenience within the average consumer’s home­life, there have also been numerous technological advancements within the medical field. These new advancements have led to many breakthroughs for humanity that directly relate to the average consumer’s health and wellness. One of these life­changing breakthroughs was invented in the year 1988 by African American ophthalmologist Patricia Bath and focuses on restoring sight to the eyes of those who have lost their vision or who were never able to use their sight upon birth.

Bath was born on November 4, 1942 in Manhattan, NY to Rupert and Gladys Bath. Her father was a columnist for a newspaper and the first black man to work as a motorman for the New York City (NYC) subway while her mother worked as a housekeeper. As a young girl living in Harlem, Bath dealt with racism and sexism as well as poverty and even had a difficult time finding other successful African Americans to look up to. Despite external matters which she was unable to control, Bath excelled academically and due to her outstanding school performance was often instructed by her teachers to stay focused on her academic studies. Through studying the philosophy and work of Albert Schweitzer, Bath became inspired and felt inclined to further her studies by attending medical school even though her family didn’t have the necessary funds to support her. Instead of cowering away from her passion, Bath applied for and won a National Science Foundation Scholarship while attending Charles Evans Hughes High School (CEHHS). This scholarship enabled her to continue on with her studies in the medical field at university level. She then went on to accept her high school diploma from CEHHS within just two and a half years.

While pursuing her studies of math and science, Bath faced many challenges. One factor that carried weight in Bath’s performance was the lack of black physicians she found herself being able to look up to. Bath then began to develop strong feelings for the black community and despite various obstacles remained focused and in 1964 received her Bachelor of Arts in chemistry from Manhattan’s Hunter College. A few years later, Bath became inspired after coming to the realization that eye care was of minimal concern to those holding power among various minorities and impoverished social groups. These two underrepresented groups made up a majority of those suffering from blindness more than any other racial and/or financial group thus pushing African Americans and those living among poor families towards becoming Bath’s main focal point within her budding medical career.

In 1968, Bath received her doctoral degree from the Howard University School of Medicine and eventually became the first African American female doctor to place a patent on a medical invention. Then, while interning at Harlem Hospital Center in 1981, Bath came up with the idea for her most famous invention … the Laserphaco Probe ­ a medical device that utilizes laser technology to remove cataracts. This device was finally completed in 1986 then patented two years later in 1988. Soon after, Bath was elected to the Hunter College Hall of Fame and eventually went on to become the first African­ American Surgeon at the UCLA Medical Center. She also became the first women to be on the faculty at UCLA Jules Stein Eye Institute. Not only was Patricia Bath a dedicated young student and intelligent woman but she also became a role model for those who shared similar passions within African American communities. In essence, Bath became the role model for others that she always searched for, herself.

Bath’s invention of the Cataract Laserphaco Probe was designed to utilize laser technology in order to painlessly eliminate cataracts from patients in an efficient and timely manner. This quick and painless method soon replaced previous methods within the medical field and even went on to change the game of surgery. Through the use of laser technology, this specific medical procedure was much more accurate than any other method previously used. Within time, Bath was able to restore the vision to patients who had been blind for more than 40 years. Dr. Patricia Bath’s laserphaco probe is one technological advancement within the medical field that is, by far, one of the most positive breakthroughs that directly concerns the average consumer’s health and overall wellness. The laserphaco probe is now used internationally to treat the cataract eye disease.

How Lasers Helped Researchers Detect Gravitational Waves

For the first time, scientists were able to detect the existence of gravitational waves. These waves, or “ripples in space-time,” were first predicted in Einstein’s theory of general relativity. Over 100 years later, with the help of laser technology, the prediction has proven to be true.

The waves were detected by LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory) — a massive experiment developed by Kip Thorne and Ronald Drever. LIGO consists of two Observatories; one in Livingston, LA and another in Richland, WA. The distance between the two sites help to gauge the source of the wave, by helping to measure discrepancies in arrival time. Both observatories consist of an L-shaped, high-powered vacuum system, measuring approximately 2.5 miles on each side. Each vacuum system can hold five interferometers. The interferometers have mirrors suspended on each corner of the “L” shape. A laser then emits a beam up to 200 W, which passes through an optical mode cleaner, before the beam is split at the L’s vertex. The beam then travels down the length of the leg. Each leg of the “L” contains a Fabry-Pérot Interferometer cavity, which consist of a transparent plate with two reflective surfaces, which store the beams and help to increase the path length.

In the event that a gravitational wave passes through the interferometer, the area’s space-time is altered. Depending on the length of the wave, and its source, this will cause a change in the length of the cavities. This length change in the beams will cause the existing light inside the system to become slightly out of phase with the light entering. This will then cause the cavity to become occasionally out of coherence, and the beams will vary in detuning becoming a measuring signal.

After numerous trips down the lengths to the mirrors and back, the beams leave the legs and meet at the split. The beams are kept out of phase so that when the legs are operating as normal, no light should be able to reach the photodiode. When a gravitational wave passes through, the legs of the interferometer shorten and lengthen, allowing light to reach the photodiode. This indicates the signal of a gravitational wave. Signals are then compared between the two observation sites to reduce the chance of unrelated noise creating a potential signal.

The initial detection of gravitational waves took place months before the rest of world received the news. On September 14, 2015, Marco Drago, a LIGO team member, was sitting in his Hanover, Germany office at the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics. Here, Drago monitors one of four computer systems that displays data for any significant variations in signals detected by LIGO. While on a phone call, Drago received his daily notification on the status of LIGO, only to find that both structures detected “an event” or irregular reading.

Drago initially took the discovery with a grain of salt, and assumed the reading was artificial. In order to test the LIGO facilities, the team had developed a way to create a “false” signal, mostly to keep researchers alert for possible developments. To most LIGO team members, this was just another “blind signal injection.” Normally, the reading would have been simply noted, then verified later. What made this reading so different from others in the past, was the fact that due to some necessary system tune ups, the machines needed to conduct the injection were not currently operational. After checking in with other team members, and seeking possible false readings, such as an earthquake or other natural event, there was nothing to say that the signal detected was not the result of a gravitational wave. The next few months were spent running numerous analyses to verify that it was no fluke. By February, the verdict was out: LIGO discovered a true gravitational wave.

The wave detected by LIGO was the result of two massive black holes colliding, over one billion years ago. The impact of the two gravitational fields sent gravitational waves through the universe, eventually reaching Earth, in September. The wave is said to have stretched space by one part in 1021, causing Earth to grow and shrink by 1/100,000 of a millimeter. The detection of the waves simultaneously tests Einstein’s theories of both general relativity and gravity, as well as provides proof for the existence of black holes.

LIGO’s detection of a gravitational wave is an immensely notable discovery for the study of physics; one that would not be possible, were it not for the application of laser technology. The constantly growing application of lasers opens the door for further discoveries and innovations, in many fields. Laser Institute of America promotes this continuous growth and the safe use of laser applications. Visit to find out how to enhance your own laser safety knowledge.

Dausinger + Giesen GmbH: With new structure toward the future

Dausinger + Giesen GmbH (D+G) is a leading supplier of thin disk lasers as well as technology components needed to build disk lasers. D+G was founded by Prof. Dr. Friedrich Dausinger and Dr. Adolf Giesen. Both names are well connected to disk laser technology.

  • In 1990 Friedrich Dausinger demanded the following laser specifications to be ideal for material processing:
    • 4 kW Laser Power
    • good beam quality
    • 1 µm wavelength
      • fiber delivery
      • better absorption
    • high efficiency
  • Adolf Giesen is known to be the innovator and one of the main promoters of disk laser technology. He is also known for many more exciting new innovations based on this technology.

Based on the background of the founders, D+G focuses on disk laser technology and its applications. Many times D+G has been – and still is – a trendsetter which pushes the limits of technology further. Some milestone examples are:

  • kilowatt fundamental-mode disk laser
  • pump module designed for up to 30 kW pump power
  • fs-disk laser with 40 W average power
  • variable short and ultrashort pulse laser
  • ps-disk laser with > 1 kW laser power and > 1 mJ pulse energy
  • Yb-fs-disk laser with pulse durations < 200 fs

Since the foundation of D+G, Friedrich Dausinger has been the general manager. In 2012 Dr. Steffen Sommer joined Friedrich Dausinger as a general manager of D+G. As Friedrich Dausinger will be celebrating his 70th birthday in 2016, it became necessary to make changes in the D+G management to be fit for the future. It was important  to find a person who understands the technology and has access to the market for further development.

In Johannes Trbola we found someone who fits into this profile. With the start of this year (2016), Johannes Trbola became a new share holder as well as general manager of D+G. He has a well known experience in the development of markets especially with respect to innovative products: This experience includes different components such as laser source, process – as well as beam diagnostics where he successfully accompanied the introduction and development of new brands, products and technologies. D+G is glad to gain his experience for the future development of D+G.

Friedrich Dausinger intents to retire from his management participation at D+G in 2016. He will be happily advising the company in the future with the focus on the strategic development of the disk laser technology and its applications.


Dr. Adolf Giesen and Prof. Friedrich Dausinger


Dr. Steffen Sommer and Johannes Trbola


Industrial Laser Growth

A Bright Spot during the International Year of Light

By Michelle L. Stock, Ph.D.

The worldwide market for lasers in 2015 was steady in terms of overall revenue growth in 2015 according to Allen Nogee, a Senior Analyst at Strategies Unlimited and an expert on photonics markets. While in early 2015 he predicted a growth rate of 6.6 percent over 2014, Nogee is finishing up the year with an estimate (based on data up to the third quarter) of 5.0 percent over all laser markets, beating global economic growth of 3.3 percent but lower than the US stock market for the same period. This, after the US and Europe started the year off well, but fizzled a bit as we move toward the end of the year. However, when you focus on the industrial laser category, the news is rosier and closer to predictions, with growth in revenue compared to 2014 estimated to be 6.5 percent (see Figure 1 for industrial laser revenues).

Figure 1. Industrial laser revenues for 2014, preliminary revenues for 2015, and estimated revenues for 2016 (Source: Allen Nogee, Strategies Unlimited)

“Revenue increase over last year in the EU for industrial lasers was 5.5 percent, while in the US it was ~ 6 percent, but keep in mind there were drastic currency changes this year which negatively impacted American companies and helped EU companies because the dollar went up relative to the Euro. Many US companies are complaining that the headwinds from the currency were 6 percent, 7 percent and even 10 percent depending upon when sales occurred.”  At the same time Asia, particularly China, fared pretty well to keep things moving along at a steady rate.  Continue reading